Nowadays, everyone is short on time. So why waste it? Our washing machines will automatically select the right programme for your laundry, while the oven happily cooks three meals at the same time without mixing their aromas.
What’s more, the new Grundig HomeWhiz appliances interact autonomously, sending each other instructions and information as required. For example, washing machines can forward data on their cycles and spin speeds to tumble dryers. Freeing you up to enjoy life to the full.
Today’s world everyone has short time and consumers is waiting for conveinent solutions to improving their lives broadly. Now, just imagine one app will help to all your houseworks with one fingertips touch.Our connected technologies are designed for everyone to maitance home confort.
Beko HomeWhiz platform provides a range of connected home appliances offering product, service and user experience. For example, your phone can send a notification when your dinner is ready, your dishwasher could order detergent automatically or washing machines can notify your tumble dryers for start when it is done. With the Beko HomeWhiz application you can control your smart home appliances from anywhere with your smart phone or tablet.
Smart TV App available for
Grundig & Arçelik TVs.