A smart consumer full of energy-saving ideas
Camilla Steensig
Camilla’s life – work, friends, and a home in which saving energy is a must
Camilla recently moved into a small flat in the centre of Copenhagen with her long-time boyfriend. At the moment, she is busy making her home as comfy as possible – “hygge” is the name of the game. She spends time scouring the city for lamps, rugs and furniture. She loves clean, modern Danish design and enjoys experimenting with colour.
When it comes to appliances and gadgets, she prefers energy-saving and intuitive devices and her HomeWhiz smart home app. They automate much of her life and help her consume less energy, which is very important to Camilla. But she also uses her smart home devices for fun. She and her boyfriend saved up to buy an impressive home cinema system and love watching classic films.
Camilla and her boyfriend value the time they spend together with their friends. They often invite friends over for dinner so they can try recipes she has found using the HomeWhiz smart home app.
Camilla is into sports and like many Danes spends a lot of time on her bike, also for environmental reasons. When she travels, she enjoys wandering through big cities – she loves experiencing new things. It is important for her to make time for such excursions – another reason she loves her time-saving smart home appliances at home.